Game View: Presentation appears as a standard mobile internet messaging client with 2D graphics.
Setup: There is a contact list, a conversation list, and the actual chat interface. Each contact allows you to add as much information to them as you wish, including name, number, email, address, and misc. notes. Upon starting the game the player will begin receiving messages from new contacts to chat with. As they continue to chat with different contacts, they will be able to find out more about the world that these contacts live in and unravel a mystery that threatens the very fabric of modern society.
Goal: Uncover the mystery and reveal the truth to the world by meeting new contacts, probing them for information, social maneuvering, and careful attention to detail.
– Collect an important detail and pass it along to the right contact
– Have a nice conversation with someone new, only to be assaulted with a rant from a crazy ex that holds useful information
– Various personalities from the honest and open to the paranoid and manipulative