Canoe Catcher

Game View: 2D front facing view of a paddler on a canoe floating on the surface of water.

Setup: As you tilt accelerometers, the canoe leans in the same direction. When the canoe leans left or right the paddler starts paddling to move the canoe in that direction. Lean too strongly and the canoe will flip upside down, allowing for the same type of “lean to move” interaction but upside down. You can only stay upside-down for as long as the paddler can hold his breath, otherwise he will automatically flip back over. Strongly leaning in a direction again can flip the canoe right-side up again. Various objects fall from the sky from various angles, and float up towards the surface from under water. Some objects can damage your canoe or push it off course in a direction.

Goal: Catch as many objects as possible by allowing them to fall into the canoe or float up into it when upside-down.


– A mine floats up from below, if caught it can be disarmed and disappear, if not it will remain floating on the surface armed and if it is hit by the canoe it will damage it and/or push it away

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